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THE UNLIMITED Magazine is a theme-based iPad quarterly that examines contemporary culture through a techie lens. Designed with features that encourage readers to swipe, push, tilt, listen, watch, and participate in,The UNLIMITED is a complete interactive media source. We bring forward the latest revolutionary inventions from across the globe, as well as the brilliant people behind them. We provide the platform for you to create your own individualized reading/viewing experience. 

Each issue of THE UNLIMITED comes with a carefully chosen topic, which we make sure to dissect to pieces. From wearable tech and cutting-edge artists, to unusual cultural events, and novelties in the music field, THE UNLIMITED is an internationally available format that is innovative in nature and timeless in essence.

Scott Lipps

Ira Chernova

Scott Lipps

Ira Chernova

Ira Chernova interviewed Scott Lipps, the founder of One Management, the first ever talent agency that works to bring together the elements of fashion, film, music, and celebrity. In just 10 short years he grew One Management into one of the most influential independent talent agencies in the world, and created a fashion, music, and party blog. With all this under his belt, we think it is safe to say Lipps knows talent and how to succeed, so watch below to see what he has to say about coming up in New York City.

"For me, it was all about doing things differently...that made sense."